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Experiment Videos

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Unit 12
Experiment 12.1 Using glucose test paper to test for glucose
Experiment 12.2 Using iodine solution to test for starch (iodine test)
Experiment 12.3 Using filter paper to test for lipids (spot test)
Experiment 12.4 Using protein test paper to test for proteins
Experiment 12.5 Using DCPIP solution to test for vitamin C
Experiment 12.6 Investigating the food substances in different food samples
Experiment 12.7 Comparing the amount of vitamin C in different fruits and vegetables
Experiment 12.8 Studying the chemical digestion of starch by enzymes
Experiment 12.9 Studying the effects of soft drinks on a pig's tooth
Experiment 12.10 Comparing the energy value of different snacks
Experiment 12.11 Comparing the amount of microorganisms before and after handwashing