> 5

Book 5 Chapter 52


Workbook 1 Contents
Workbook 2 Contents
Workbook 3A Contents
Workbook 3B Contents
Workbook 4A Contents
Workbook 4B Contents
Workbook 5 Contents
Experiment 52.1
Experiment 52.2
Workbook 6 Contents
Workbook 7 Contents


Workbook 5 Suggested answers


Content page


Determining the activation energy of the reaction between peroxodisulphate ions and iodide ions (Teacher's edition)
Determining the activation energy of the reaction between peroxodisulphate ions and iodide ions (Student' s edition)
Determining the activation energy of the reaction between bromide ions and bromate ions in an acidic medium (Teacher's edition)
Determining the activation energy of the reaction between bromide ions and bromate ions in an acidic medium (Student' s edition)