> 3B

Book 3B Chapter 30


Teaching scheme (Book 3B)
Teaching scheme (S4 to S6)


30.1 Oxidation and reduction in terms of gain or loss of oxygen
30.2 Oxidation and reduction in terms of gain or loss of hydrogen
30.3 Oxidation and reduction in terms of gain or loss of electrons
30.4 Trends of reducing power of metals and oxidizing power of metal ions
30.5 Oxidation and reduction in terms of changes in oxidation numbers
30.6 Common oxidizing agents and reducing agents
30.7 Balancing redox equations
30.8 Predicting the feasibility of a redox reaction
30.9 Chlorine as an oxidizing agent
30.10 Nitric acid of different concentrations as oxidizing agents
30.11 Concentrated sulphuric acid as an oxidizing agent
30.12 Aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide as a reducing agent
30.1 Oxidation and reduction in terms of gain or loss of oxygen (bilingual version)
30.2 Oxidation and reduction in terms of gain or loss of hydrogen (bilingual version)
30.3 Oxidation and reduction in terms of gain or loss of electrons (bilingual version)
30.4 Trends of reducing power of metals and oxidizing power of metal ions (bilingual version)
30.5 Oxidation and reduction in terms of changes in oxidation numbers (bilingual version)
30.6 Common oxidizing agents and reducing agents (bilingual version)
30.7 Balancing redox equations (bilingual version)
30.8 Predicting the feasibility of a redox reaction (bilingual version)
30.9 Chlorine as an oxidizing agent (bilingual version)
30.10 Nitric acid of different concentrations as oxidizing agents (bilingual version)
30.11 Concentrated sulphuric acid as an oxidizing agent (bilingual version)
30.12 Aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide as a reducing agent (bilingual version)
Redox reactions (combined version)
Redox reactions (bilingual, combined version)


Chapter 30


Chapter 30


Book 3B suggested answers


Chapter 30


Content page


Chapter 30


Chapter exercise Q12 (M.C.Q.)
Chapter exercise Q10 (S.Q.)
Exam practice Q6 (M.C.Q.)


Content page


Chapter exercise M.C.Q.
Exam practice M.C.Q.


Chapter exercise M.C.Q.
Exam practice M.C.Q.