使用指南User guide

如要使用 Google 表單(Forms),你必須有一個 Google 帳戶,並已登入
(如你未有 Google 帳戶,請參閱這裏。)
Sign in to your Google account to copy and edit Aristo’s Google Forms templates and send the forms to students.
(To create a Google account, click here.)
1. 複製 Google 表單範本 1. Copying the Google Forms templates

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面中選擇要複製的練習。 After signing in with an Aristo account, you can copy the exercise from our resources page.

在這版面按「複製(Make a copy)」,你便可將預製的練習(Google 表單版本)複製到你的 Google 帳戶。(如未登入 Google 帳戶,請先登入。) Click ‘Make a copy(複製)’ on this page to copy the exercise (in Google Forms format) to your Google account. (You need to sign in with your Google account first.)
2. 檢視或更改表單內容 2. Viewing or editing the form

成功複製後,你會看到這份表單。你可在此檢視或更改表單內容,製作自己的練習。 After copying the form, edit and customize it according to your preferences.

你可點擊下圖的位置更改表單名稱。 Click on the following field to change the form title.

你可點擊上方選單的「預覽(Preview)」,檢視表單的界面。 Click on the ‘Preview(預覽)’ button in the top menu to check the form before sending it out.

你可點擊「設定(Settings)」,查閱和修改表單的設定。在「設定」中,你亦可為測驗作其他設定,例如是否發放評分、學生能否看到正確答案等。 Change the settings of this form by clicking ‘Settings(設定)’.
3. 發放練習給學生 3. Sending the exercise to students

如表單已準備好,可按右上方的「傳送(Send)」鍵,取得表單連結。 When the form is ready, click ‘Send(傳送)’ in the top menu.

你可點擊「連結(Link)」圖示來查閱表單的連結。 Click on the ‘Link(連結)’ icon to check the URL of the form.

你可點選「縮短網址(Shorten URL)」以縮短連結。 Check the ‘Shorten URL(縮短網址)’ box to generate a shortened link of the form.
註:為方便學生使用流動裝置開啟,教師可使用一些網上 QR 碼製作器將此連結製成 QR 碼(可在搜尋器輸入‘QR code generator’搜尋)。 Note: To allow quick access to the form from mobile devices, teachers can convert this link into a QR code using an online QR code generator.

學生收到這表單連結後,便能直接開啟並作答。 After receiving the URL, students can open the form and answer.

學生作答完成後,點擊表單下方的「提交(Submit)」,便能遞交答案,教師應可即時收到學生的回應(網絡速度或會影響接收表單的時間)。 Students can click ‘Submit(提交)’ at the end of the form to submit their responses. Teachers will receive the responses instantly.

學生提交表單後,可點擊「查看分數(View score)」查看自己的答題表現及題解(如有提供)。 After submitting the form, students can click ‘View score(查看分數)’ to check their results (if the form settings allow).
4. 查閱分析結果 4. Checking the results

在教師的 Google 帳戶裏,點擊「回覆(Responses)」即可查看表單的回覆及統計數據。 Click ‘Responses(回覆)’ to view the responses and analysis.

在「回覆 > 摘要(Responses > Summary)」中,可查閱此表單的所有回應及統計數據。 View a summary of all responses by clicking ‘Responses > Summary(回覆 > 摘要)’.

點擊「問題(Question)」後,可以查看每一條問題的所有學生回應。 Click ‘Question(問題)’ to check the responses for each question.

點擊左右箭嘴可查閱其他問題的回應。 Click on the left and right arrow to view other questions.

點擊「個人(Individual)」後,可以查看個別學生的回應。 Click ‘Individual(個人)’ to check the performance of each student.

點擊左右箭嘴可查閱另一位學生的回應。 Click on the left and right arrow to view other students.

點擊「」圖示,可選擇: Click on the ‘’ icon to find the following options:
 • 下載回應 (.csv)(Download responses (.csv))– 可使用 Excel 開啟 Download responses (.csv)(下載回應 (.csv)) - a format that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
 • 列印所有回應(Print all responses) Print all responses(列印所有回應).

點擊「 建立試算表(Create spreadsheet)/ 在 Google 試算表中查看回應(View responses in Sheets)」圖示,可建立或開啟與這份表單相連的試算表。已回收的表單內容會記錄在這份試算表中。 Click on the icon to view the responses in Google Sheets.

在試算表模式上,點擊上方選單的「檔案 > 下載(File > Download as)」,可將結果儲存成 Excel 檔、PDF 檔或其他檔案類型。 In Google Sheets, click ‘File > Download as(檔案 > 下載)’ from the top menu to download and save the responses as an Excel file, a PDF file or other formats available.

在試算表模式上,點擊上方選單的「工具 > 管理表單 > 編輯表格(Tools > Manage form > Edit form)」,可返回表單模式。 In Google Sheets, click ‘Tools > Manage form > Edit form(工具 > 管理表單 > 編輯表格)’ from the top menu to return to Forms.

如教師想發放整體成績報告讓學生自行查閱,可在頁面選擇「設定 > 簡報(Settings > Presentation)」,再點選「查看結果摘要(View results summary)」,然後發放練習給學生。 If teachers want to release the overall performance report to students for them to check by themselves, click ‘Settings > Presentation(設定 > 簡報)’, then check ‘View results summary(查看結果摘要)’ before releasing the exercise to the students.
當學生遞交題目後,可點擊「查看先前的回應(See previous responses)」自行查閱整體成績報告。 After submitting the answers, students can click ‘See previous responses(查看先前的回應)’ to check the overall performance report.
5. 重開或整理已複製的表單 5. Reopen or organize the copied Google Forms

所有已複製的表單範本,都會自動儲存在用戶的 Google Drive 內。你可按以下按鈕開啟 Google Drive,或直接按此 All the copied Google Forms templates will be saved into the user’s Google Drive. You can click on the following button (or click here directly) to open Google Drive.
表單模式 In Forms
試算表模式 In Sheets

如你之前已複製或自行製作了 Google 表單,應可在 Google Drive 看到以下檔案: (i) 表單(紫色圖示)、(ii) 連結至該表單的試算表(綠色圖示),用以儲存學生的回覆。 If you have copied or created a form before, you should be able to find it in your Google Drive as follows: (i) the form (purple icon), (ii) the spreadsheet linked to this form (green icon) that is used to save the responses from students.

你可在此輸入檔案名稱搜尋表單或其他檔案。 You can search the forms or other files by entering the filenames in this box.

你可點擊「我的雲端硬碟 > 新資料夾(My Drive > New folder)」,在 Google Drive 內開設不同資料夾方便管理各表單或其他檔案。開設資料夾後,可拖曳檔案到資料夾。 You can click ‘My Drive > New folder(我的雲端硬碟 > 新資料夾)’ to create different folders in Google Drive for the ease of managing the forms and other files. After creating a folder, you can drag the files into it

你可從右上方的選單作其他檔案處理,例如刪除、取得檔案連結、排列檔案或更改檢視模式。 You can select from the top right menu for other actions, such as ‘remove’, ‘get link’, sorting files or changing the viewing mode.
6. 在 Google Classroom 查閱成績報告 6. Assign Google Forms on Google Classroom

發放 Google 表單

Assign Google Forms

1 在 Google Classroom 進入課程 (Class) 後,點按「課堂作業 (Classwork)」; After entering a ‘class(課程)’ in Google Classroom, click ‘Classwork(課堂作業)’;
2 點按「+ 建立 (Create)」; Click ‘+ Create(+ 建立)’;
3 選擇「作業 (Assignment)」; Select ‘Assignment(作業)’;
4 輸入標題等資料; Enter the title and other information;
5 點按「雲端硬碟 (Drive)」,再選擇已複製的Google表單; Click ‘Drive(雲端硬碟)’ and select the copied Google Forms;
6 選擇發布到所需的課程 (Class),並輸入截止日期等資料; Select the required class(es) to release, then enter the due date and other information;
7 點按「出作業 (Assign)」,或選擇「安排時間 (Schedule)」設定發放日期。 Click ‘Assign(出作業)’ or select ‘Schedule(安排時間)’ to set a release date.


Check the performance report

教師可在 Google Classroom 界面點選「課堂作業(Classwork)」,然後點擊開啟已發放的 Google 表單。 Teachers can select ‘Classwork(課堂作業)’ on the Google Classroom layout, then click on the assigned Google Forms to open it.
在 Google 表單頁面點撃右下角的「 修改(Edit)」以開啟編輯模式。 On the page of Google Forms, click on the ‘ Edit(修改)’ button from the bottom right corner to open the edit mode.
在編輯模式中點撃「回覆(Responses)」可查閱成績報告。 Under edit mode, select ‘Responses(回覆)’ to check the performance report.
如要使用 Microsoft 表單(Forms),你必須有一個 Microsoft 帳戶,並已登入。
(如你未有 Microsoft 帳戶,請參閱這裏。)
Sign in to your Microsoft account to copy and edit Aristo’s Microsoft Forms templates and send the forms to students. (To create a Microsoft account, click here.)
1. 複製 Microsoft 表單範本 1. Copying the Microsoft Forms templates

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面中選擇要複製的題目。 After signing in with an Aristo account, you can copy the exercise from our resources page.

在這版面按「複製它(Duplicate it),你便可將預製的題目(Microsoft 表單版本)複製到你的 Microsoft 帳戶。(如未登入 Microsoft 帳戶,請先登入。) Click ‘Duplicate it’ on this page to copy the exercise (in Microsoft Forms format) to your Microsoft account. (You need to sign in with your Microsoft account first.)
2. 檢視或更改表單內容 2. Viewing or editing the form

成功複製後,你會看到這份表單。你可在此檢視或更改表單內容,製作自己的題目。 After copying the form, edit and customize it according to your preferences.

你可點擊下圖的位置更改表單名稱。 Click on the following field to change the form title.

你可點擊上方選單的「預覽(Preview)」,檢視表單的界面。 Click on the ‘Preview’ button in the top menu to check the form before sending it out.

你可點擊上方選單的「其他表單設定(More form settings)」,查閱和修改表單的設定。在「其他表單設定 > 設定(More form settings > Settings)」中,你亦可為測驗作其他設定,例如會否自動顯示結果、是否隨機變換問題等。 Change the settings of this form by clicking ‘More form settings > Settings’.
3. 發放題目給學生 3. Sending the form to students

如表單已準備好,可按右上方的「共用(Share)」鍵,取得表單連結。 When the form is ready, click ‘Share’ in the top menu.

你可點選「縮短的 URL(Shorten URL)」以縮短連結。 Check the ‘Shorten URL’ box to generate a shortened link of the form.
為方便學生使用流動裝置開啟,教師亦可點擊「QR 代碼(QR code)」圖示取得此表單的 QR 代碼並發放給學生。 To allow quick access to the form from mobile devices, teachers can click on the ‘QR Code’ icon as follows to get the QR code of this form and share it with the students.

學生收到這表單連結後,便能直接開啟並作答。 After receiving the URL, students can open the form and answer.

學生作答完成後,點擊表單下方的「提交(Submit)」,便能遞交題目,教師應可即時收到學生的回應(網絡速度或會影響接收表單的時間)。 Students can click ‘Submit’ at the end of the form to submit their responses. Teachers will receive the responses instantly.

學生提交表單後,可點擊「檢視結果(View results)」查看自己的答題表現及答案解說(如有提供)。 After submitting the form, students can click ‘View results’ to check their results (if the form settings allow).
4. 查閱分析結果 4. Checking the results

在教師的 Microsoft 帳戶裏,點擊「回應(Responses)」即可查看表單的回應及統計數據。 Click ‘Responses’ to view the responses and analysis.

點擊「檢閱答案(Review answers)」可查看個別學生或問題的作答情況。 View a summary of all responses by clicking ‘Review answers’.

點擊「在 Excel 中開啟(Open in Excel)」可將結果儲存成 Microsoft Excel 檔案。 Click ‘Open in Excel’ to save the responses in Microsoft Excel.
5. 使用指引影片 5. User guide video
1. 開啟互動練習 1. Open a quiz

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面中選擇要發放的練習。 After signing in with an Aristo account, select the quiz from Aristo web page to share.

開啟由雅集製作的 Kahoot!練習後,教師不需登入 Kahoot! 帳戶便可以點擊「以訪客身分遊玩 (Play as guest)」直接開始遊戲。 After opening a quiz made by Aristo, teachers can click ‘Play as guest’ to start the quiz game directly without logging in with a Kahoot! account.
註: Note:
  • 如要下載成績報告、使用「指派 (Assign)」模式、複製或修改本社的 Kahoot! 練習,教師必須使用自己的帳戶登入 Kahoot!。 Logging in with a Kahoot! account is needed for teachers to download reports, use ‘Assign’ mode, copy or modify our Kahoot! quizzes.
    如未有帳戶,可按此登記。(可使用 Google 或 Microsoft 帳戶申請) Click here to register (Sign-up with a Google or Microsoft account is available).
  • 有關修改題目的詳細步驟,請按此 Click here to know how to edit questions.

Kahoot! 提供兩種不同的遊戲模式︰如學生使用「一人一機」可選擇經典模式 (Classic mode),如學生多人一機可選擇組隊模式 (Team mode)(此指南中使用經典模式)。
Teachers can change the game options before starting the quiz game. There are two game modes provided in Kahoot!:
Classic - if every student has an own device;
Team - if students are sharing a device.
(‘Classic’ mode is used in this user guide for demonstration.)

選擇模式後等候數秒,網站會提供一組數字的編碼,表示遊戲設定已完成,可讓學生進入遊戲。 Wait for a few seconds after selecting the game mode, then Kahoot! will provide a Game PIN and the game is ready for students to join.
2. 讓學生進入遊戲 2. Let students join the game

讓學生開啟網頁 https://www.kahoot.it,並輸入上一步驟獲得的數字編碼。 Students can join the quiz game by opening the web page https://www.kahoot.it and entering the Game PIN obtained in the previous step.

學生可輸入名字,然後點擊「好,開始! (OK, go!)」。 Enter the name and click ‘OK, go!’

教師可即時查看已加入遊戲的學生。 Teachers can check the students who have already joined the game.

如教師發現學生使用不恰當的名字,可點擊該名字把它移除。 Click on the name to remove the student if an inappropriate name has been used.

待所有學生都加入後,點擊「開始 (Start)」開始。 When all students have joined, click ‘Start’ to start.
3. 用「指派 (Assign)」模式發放功課 3. Send homework in ‘Assign’ mode

開啟 Kahoot! 練習頁面並登入 Kahoot! 帳戶,如未有帳戶可按此登記(可使用 Google 或 Microsoft 帳戶申請)。 Open Kahoot! web page and log in with a Kahoot! account. To register a Kahoot! account, please click here. (Sign-up with a Google or Microsoft account is available)

登入後,點擊「指派 (Assign)」按鈕發放功課。 After logging in, click ‘Assign’ to assign homework.

教師可設置完成期限和更改遊戲選項。設定完成後點擊「建立 (Create)」。 Teachers can set the deadline and change other game options, then click ‘Create’.

成功發放功課後,教師可發放網頁上的數字編碼讓學生進入功課,或複製連結讓學生直接開啟功課。 After creating the homework, teachers can copy and send the PIN or link to students.

發放功課後,教師可在「報告 (Reports)」頁中找到已發放的功課,待學生完成練習後,教師可在該頁面查看分數及完成記錄。 Teachers can find the created homework on the ‘Reports’ page. If students have completed the homework, teachers can check the scores and records from this page.
4. 常見問題 4. Frequently asked question

學校需要準備甚麼設備以進行 Kahoot! 練習?

What devices are needed to start and play a Kahoot! quiz game?

學校須先準備以下項目: The followings are required:
教師Teacher 學生Student
設備 Device 桌上電腦、平板電腦或智能電話 Desktop computer, tablet or smartphone
帳戶 Account 不須申請 Kahoot! 帳戶 (No need to register a Kahoot! account)
註: Note:
  • 如教師需要下載成績報告、使用「指派模式」、複製或修改本社的 Kahoot! 練習,必須先以 Kahoot! 帳戶登入,可按此申請並選擇連結至 Google 或 Microsoft 現有帳戶。
  • 須連結至互聯網。
  • 教師及學生可直接透過 Kahoot! 網站使用,不需安裝 Kahoot! 的流動程式。
  • Logging in with a Kahoot! account is needed for teachers to download reports, use ‘Assign’ mode, copy or modify our Kahoot! quizzes. Click here to register (Sign-up with a Google or Microsoft account is available).
  • Internet connection is required.
  • Teachers and students can open Kahoot! from the website directly. Installing the mobile app is optional.

我可更改雅集的 Kahoot! 練習嗎?

Can I edit the Kahoot! quiz made by Aristo?

可以,但教師必須登入自己的 Kahoot! 帳戶。 Yes, but teachers need to log in with their own Kahoot! accounts.
有關修改題目的詳細步驟,請按此 Click here to know how to edit questions.

除了即時發放 Kahoot! 練習外,我可以用「功課」形式發放給學生在家完成練習嗎?

In addition to starting an instant Kahoot! quiz, can I send the quiz as a ‘homework’ to let students complete at home?

可以,但教師必須先登入自己的 Kahoot! 帳戶,詳情請按此 Yes, but teachers need to log in with their own Kahoot! accounts. Click here for more details.

如要使用 Kahoot!,有甚麼網絡設備及頻寬上的要求?

What are the requirements of bandwidth and network settings if I want to use Kahoot!?

按此查閱詳情。 Please click here for details.


In some cases, why I cannot edit the quiz made by Aristo?

如有關練習內置了僅提供給 Kahoot! 收費帳戶的功能,免費帳戶的使用者則不能修改,但仍可開啟。 If the quiz has included the features that are only provided in a paid Kahoot! account, the user with a free account will not be able to edit it. However, the user can still open the quiz.
5. 修改練習 5. Edit the quiz

開啟 Kahoot! 練習頁面並登入 Kahoot! 帳戶,如未有帳戶可按此登記(可使用 Google 或 Microsoft 帳戶申請)。 Open Kahoot! web page and log in with a Kahoot! account. To register a Kahoot! account, please click here. (Sign-up with a Google or Microsoft account is available)

登入後,點擊選項按鈕,並按「建立複本 (Duplicate)」 將練習複製至自己的 Kahoot! 帳戶並作出修改。 After logging in, click on ‘more options’ and select ‘Duplicate’ to copy the quiz and save it into your own Kahoot! account to edit.

複製練習後,教師可在「資料庫 (Library)」頁面找到所有自行製作或複製的練習。按「編輯 (Edit)」可更改題目及練習設定。 After copying a quiz, teachers can find the quizzes made by themselves or other copied quizzes from the ‘Library’. Click ‘Edit’ to change the questions and other quiz options.

按「設定 (Settings)」可進行設置,如修改練習標題、描述及封面圖片等。 Click ‘Settings’ to modify the information of the quiz, such as changing the title, description and covering picture.

於左方面板可新增、複製或刪除題目;拖曳題目縮圖可改變排序。 From the left panel, you can add, copy or delete the question. Drag and move the thumbnails can change the sequence of the questions.

於中間區域可修改題目、新增圖片或視頻、修改答案及正確選項。 From the middle panel, you can edit the question, add a new picture or video, change the options and update the correct answers.

於右方區域可修改題目設定如︰作答時間、修改分數。 From the right panel, you can modify other settings, such as the time limit and points.
1. 開啟互動練習 1. Open a quiz

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面中選擇要發放的練習。 After signing in with an Aristo account, select the quiz from Aristo web page to share.

開啟由雅集製作的 Quizizz 練習後,教師可查看練習概覽。 After opening a quiz made by Aristo, teachers can preview the questions.

點擊「開始線上實時測驗 (Start a live quiz)」>「經典 (Classic)」按鈕後,網站會彈出登入界面,可點擊右上角的「x」關閉。 Click ‘Start a live quiz(開始線上實時測驗)’ > ‘Classic(經典)’. The page will pop up a login message, teachers can click the ‘x’ on the upper right corner to close it.

教師可點擊「高級設置 (Advanced Settings)」以按需求更改遊戲選項,建議關閉「隨機出題 (Shuffle questions)」、「隨機排列選項 (Shuffle answer options)」和「顯示梗圖 (Show memes)」。設定完成後點擊「繼續 (Continue)」。 Teachers can change the game settings according to the teaching needs. It is suggested to turn off ‘Shuffle questions(隨機出題)’, ‘Shuffle answer options(隨機排列選項)’ and ‘Show memes(顯示梗圖)’. Click ‘Continue(繼續)’ if the settings have been made.

成功開啟遊戲後,網站會提供一組數字編碼,教師可讓學生進入遊戲。 After creating the quiz, Quizizz will generate a game code and the game is ready for students to join.
2. 讓學生進入遊戲 2. Let students join the quiz

讓學生開啟網頁 https://quizizz.com/join,並輸入上一步驟獲得的數字編碼。 Students can join the quiz by opening the web page https://quizizz.com/join and entering the game code obtained in the previous step.

學生可輸入名字和進行簡單設定,然後點擊「Start」。 Enter the name and change the quiz settings if needed, then click ‘Start’.

教師可即時查看已加入遊戲的學生。 Teachers can check the students who have already joined the game.

如教師發現學生使用不恰當的名字,可點擊該名字把它移除。 Click on the name to remove the student if an appropriate name has been used.

待所有學生都加入後,點擊「START」開始。 When all students have joined, click ‘START’ to start.
3. 教師使用「Homework」模式發放功課 3. Send homework in ‘Homework’ mode

教師在 Quizizz 練習頁面,可點撃「指派作業 (Assign homework)」來發放功課。教師需登入 Quizizz 帳戶才可發放功課,如未有帳戶可使用 Google 或 Microsoft 帳戶登記。 On the Quizizz web page, teachers can click ‘Assign homework(指派作業)’ to send the quiz as homework to students. Teachers need to log in with their own Quizizz accounts to send homework. You can sign up for a Quizizz account with your email or a Google/Microsoft account.

教師可設置完成期限和更改遊戲選項。建議關閉「Shuffle questions」、「Shuffle answer options」和「Show memes」。設定完成後點擊「Assign」。 Teachers can set the deadline and change other quiz settings. It is suggested to turn off ‘Shuffle questions’, ‘Shuffle answer options’ and ‘Show memes’. Click ‘Continue’ if the settings have been made.

成功發放功課後,教師可發放網頁上的數字編碼讓學生進入功課頁面,或複製連結讓學生直接開啟功課。 After creating the homework, teachers can copy the game code and share it with the students. Teachers can also send the direct link to the students.

發放功課後,教師亦可按「edit」修改完成期限。 Click ‘edit’ to change the deadline after sending out the quiz.
4. 學生使用「Preview」模式自行溫習題目 4. Students use ‘Preview’ mode for self-study
  • 教師不用啟動練習
  • 學生可不用登入 Quizizz 自行開始
  • Teachers do not need to start the quiz
  • Students can start by themselves without logging in to Quizizz

進入 Quizizz 練習頁面後, On the Quizizz web page,
  • 教師可直接複製網頁連結,或於登入後點撃「Share」按鈕,再點擊「Copy link」以複製這練習的網頁連結,並發放給學生作溫習題目之用(沒有完成期限及學生成績報告)。 Teachers (after logged in) can click the ‘Share’ button, then select ‘Copy URL’ to copy the URL to this quiz. Teachers can share this link with the students for their self-study (no deadline and student’s performance reports).
  • 學生(不用登入)開啟練習頁面後可點撃「Preview」按鈕來自行溫習題目。 Students (login is not required) can click ‘Preview’ to study the questions at their own pace.

學生可進行簡單設定,然後點擊「Start」。 Students can change the quiz settings, then click ‘Start’.
學生可自行在桌上電腦、平板電腦或智能電話完成練習(學生將可看到正確答案)。 Students can complete the quiz by themselves on a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone (Students will be able to see the correct answers).

學生亦可使用「Flashcards」功能在開始練習前進行預習。 Students can also study the questions before starting the quiz with the ‘Flashcards’ function.
按「View options」顯示選項、「Flip」顯示答案、「Next」顯示下一題。 Click ‘VIEW OPTIONS’ to show options, ‘Flip’ to show answers, ‘Needs Review’ or ‘Got it’ to show the next question.
5. 常見問題 5. Frequently asked question

學校需要準備甚麼設備以進行 Quizizz 練習?

What devices are needed to start and play a quiz on Quizizz?

學校須先準備以下項目: The followings are required:
教師Teacher 學生Student
設備 Device 桌上電腦、平板電腦或智能電話 Desktop computer, tablet or smartphone
帳戶 Account 不須申請 Quizizz 帳戶 (No need to register a Quizizz account)
註: Note:
  • 如教師需要下載成績報告、使用 Homework 模式、複製或修改本社的 Quizizz 練習,必須先以 Quizizz 帳戶登入,可按此申請並選擇連結至 Google 或 Microsoft 現有帳戶。
  • 須連結至互聯網。
  • 教師及學生可直接透過 Quizizz 網站使用,不需安裝 Quizizz 的流動程式。
  • Logging in with a Quizizz account is needed for teachers to download reports, use ‘Homework’ mode, copy or modify our Quizizz exercises. Click here to register (Sign-up with a Google or Microsoft account is available).
  • Internet connection required.
  • Teachers and students can open Quizizz from the website directly. Installing the mobile app is optional.

開啟 Quizizz 練習時,我可作甚麼設定?

What settings can I make before starting a quiz on Quizizz?

在設定畫面,建議關閉以下選項: In the settings screen, it is suggested to turn off the following options:
  • Shuffle questions
  • Shuffle answer options
  • Show memes
教師也可依教學需要,自行選擇是否顯示答案及播放背景音樂等。 Teachers can also select whether or not to show answers and play background music according to teaching needs.

我可更改雅集的 Quizizz 練習嗎?

Can I edit the Quizizz exercises made by Aristo?

可以,但教師必須登入自己的 Quizizz 帳戶。 Yes, but teachers need to log in with their own Quizizz accounts.
有關修改題目的詳細步驟,請按此 Click here to know how to edit questions.

除了即時發放 Quizizz 練習外,我可以用「功課」形式發放給學生在家完成練習嗎?

In addition to starting an instant quiz, can I send the quiz as a ‘homework’ to let students complete at home?

可以,但教師必須先登入自己的 Quizizz 帳戶,詳情請按此 Yes, but teachers need to log in with their own Quizizz accounts. Click here for more details.

如要使用 Quizizz,有甚麼網絡設備及頻寬上的要求?

What are the requirements of bandwidth and network settings if I want to use Quizizz?

按此查閱詳情。 Please click here for details.

為何我在雅集網頁點選練習並登入 Quizizz 後,頁面會顯示「Quiz not found」?

Why does the page show ‘Quiz not found’ after I have clicked the quiz on the Aristo web page and logged in to Quizizz?

雅集的練習一般可支援 Quizizz 的「學校」(即「教師」或「學生」)或「個人」類別的帳戶。如使用其他類別的帳戶登入,或會無法顯示及使用練習(如下圖1)。如教師或學生在申請 Quizizz 帳戶時選了其他類別(如下圖2),或要親自聯絡 Quizizz 更改,聯絡方法請按此 The quizzes made by Aristo generally support Quizizz’s ‘school’ (‘teacher’ or ‘student’) or ‘personal’ accounts. If you have logged in with other types of Quizizz accounts, you may not be able to see and use the quizzes (see Figure 1 below). If teachers or students have registered a different type of Quizizz account (see Figure 2 below), please click here to contact Quizizz directly for updating the account details.
Figure 1
Figure 2


In some cases, why I cannot edit the quiz made by Aristo?

如有關練習內置了僅提供給 Quizizz 收費帳戶的功能,免費帳戶的使用者則不能修改,但仍可開啟。 If the quiz has included the features that are only provided in a paid Quizizz account, the user with a free account will not be able to edit it. However, the user can still open the quiz.
6. 修改練習 6. Edit the quiz

教師在 Quizizz 練習頁面,可點撃「Copy and Edit」來複製及修改練習。教師需登入 Quizizz 帳戶才可修改練習,如未有帳戶可使用 Google 或 Microsoft 帳戶登記。 On the Quizizz web page, teachers can click ‘Copy and Edit’ to copy and edit the quiz. Teachers need to log in with their own Quizizz accounts to edit the quiz. You can sign up for a Quizizz account with your email or a Google/Microsoft account.

複製練習後,可作以下設定︰新增、複製或刪除題目、改變問題排序、變更作答時間、修改練習標題及封面圖片。 After copying a quiz, teachers can modify the content, such as adding, copying or deleting a question, changing the sequence of the questions, selecting the time limit, updating the title and covering picture.

點擊「Settings」可修改練習設定。 Click ‘Settings’ to change the settings of the quiz.

點擊「Save」可儲存練習。 Click ‘Save’ to save the quiz.

點擊「Edit」可修改題目。 Click ‘Edit’ to edit the question.

教師可修改題目類型、作答時間等,再按「儲存變更 (Save)」。 Teachers can change the question type and time limit, then click ‘Save’.

修改題目文字、新增或刪除圖片。 Edit the question, add or delete a picture.

修改答案選項文字或圖片、新增或刪除答案選項、變更正確答案。 Edit the options or pictures, add or delete an option, update the correct answer.

教師亦可在「My library」頁面找到所有自行製作或複製的練習。 Teachers can find the quizzes made by themselves or other copied quizzes from the ‘Library’.
1. 開啟互動練習

開啟雅集製作的 Quizlet 學習集 (study set),不用登入 Quizlet 也開啟。 Open the Quizlet study set made by Aristo. Login is not required to view the study set on Quizlet.

有關 Quizlet 學習集的界面: About the layout of a study set on Quizlet:
1 選擇學習或遊戲模式; Select a ‘study’ or ‘play’ mode;
2 儲存和編輯這學習集(需先登入 Quizlet 帳戶)。 Save and edit this study set (you need to log in your Quizlet account).
2. 儲存學習集 2. Save a study set

如要儲存及編輯學習集,需先登入Quizlet帳戶。如教師未有帳戶,可點按畫面右上方的「註冊 (Sign up)」,按頁面指示登記帳戶;如已有帳戶,可點按畫面右上方的「登入 (Log in)」。另可使用Google、Facebook 或 Apple 帳戶登入或註冊。 If you want to save and edit a study set, you need to log in your Quizlet account. If you do not have an account yet, you can click on the ‘Sign up’ button from the top right corner, then follow the instructions on the page to register. If you have got a Quizlet account already, you can click on the ‘Log in’ button from the top right corner. You can also log in or sign up with your Google, Facebook or Apple account.

登入後,可在下方選擇: After logging in, you can select from the bottom part of the study set as follows:
1 將這學習集加到帳戶內的班級或文件夾,供日後開啟; Add this study set to a class or folder under your account, so that you can open it later;
2 直接儲存及編輯這學習集,如學習集內置了 Quizlet Plus 的進階功能,則需有 Quizlet Plus 的帳戶才可儲存和編輯; Save and edit the study set directly. If the study set is added with any advanced functions in Quizlet Plus, you will need a Quizlet Plus account to save and edit.
3 按此獲取連結,將這學習集分享給學生。 Click here to get the link to share this study set with your students.

如重新載入 Quizlet 頁面,可點按上方的「你的圖書室 (Your library)」,再選擇「學習集 (Study sets)」、「文件夾 (Folders)」或「班級 (Classes)」來查閱、新增或修改帳戶內的相關內容。 If you have reloaded the Quizlet web page, you can click on the ‘Your library’ from the top menu, then select ‘Study sets’, ‘Folders’ or ‘Classes’ to check, add or edit the related content under your account.
1. 複製練習 1. Copy an exercise

開啟雅集製作的 Edpuzzle 練習,不用登入 Edpuzzle 也可透過 Preview 模式來觀看影片及完成練習。完成練習後可查閱答案,但如未有登入Edpuzzle,系統不會儲存你的練習成績。 Open the Edpuzzle exercise made by Aristo. You do not need to log in to view the video and take the quiz on Edpuzzle. You can check the answers after completing it. If you have not logged in, however, your results will not be saved.

如要複製 Edpuzzle 練習,教師需先點按右上方的 Log in 按鈕登入自己的 Edpuzzle 帳戶。 To copy the Edpuzzle exercise, teachers need to click on the ‘Log in’ button from the top right corner to log in their Edpuzzle accounts.

如已有 Edpuzzle 帳戶,點按 Log in 後,再按 I'm a Teacher 或 I'm a Student 來登入;
如未有Edpuzzle帳戶,點按 Log in 後,點按右上方的 Sign up ,再選擇 I'm a Teacher 或 I'm a Student 來登記。你也可使用 Google 帳戶或 Microsoft 帳戶登記及登入。


If you already have an Edpuzzle account, click on the ‘Log in’ button, then select ‘I’m a Teacher’ or ‘I’m a Student’ to log in;
If you haven’t got an Edpuzzle account yet, click on the 'Log in’ button, then click on ‘Sign up’ from the top right corner. After that, you can select ‘I’m a Teacher’ or ‘I'm a Student’ to register. You can also sign up or log in with your Google or Microsoft account.

(Note: A teacher account is required to copy, edit and release the exercise.)



If you have logged in your teacher account, you can click on the buttons above the video to perform the following actions:

1 Edit: 修改練習內容,修改後有關練習會儲存在教師的 Edpuzzle 帳戶內 Edit: Edit the exercise and the modified version will be saved in the teacher’s account
2 Assign: 經「班別 (Class)」將練習發放給學生 Assign: Release the exercise to students via a ‘class’
3 Copy: 將練習複製到教師帳戶,可另行再修改及發放 Copy: Copy the exercise to the teacher’s account, so that it can be edited and released later
4 Share preview: 將練習的預覽連結發放給其他教師 Share preview: Share the preview link of this exercise with other teachers
2. 編輯練習 2. Edit an exercise

編輯練習的界面: The layout of editing an exercise:
1 修改標題 Change the title
2 點選題目來修改或刪除 Click to select a question to edit or delete
3 點按來修改或刪除題目 Click to edit or delete the question
4 加入「多項選擇題」、「開放式題目」或「筆記」 Add a ‘multiple-choice question’, ‘open-ended question’ or ‘note’
5 切換編輯模式,包括剪輯、加入旁白及修改問題 Switch to another editing mode, such as cutting the video, adding voiceover or editing questions.
6 修改完成後,按 Finish 來完成 Click on the ‘Finish’ button if you have completed all the amendments.

修改完成後,可在以下界面作以下操作: After editing the exercise, you can perform the following actions from this screen:
1 Assign: 經「班別 (Class)」將練習發放給學生 Assign: Release the exercise to students via a ‘class’
2 Edit: 修改練習內容 Edit: edit the content of this exercise
3 Share preview: 將練習的預覽連結發放給其他教師 Share preview: Share the preview link of this exercise with other teachers
4 將練習設定為 Public (可公開在 Edpuzzle 讓其他用戶搜尋)或 Private(只讓教師及自己的學生觀看) Set the visibility of this exercise to ‘Public’ (that allows other users to find your exercise on Edpuzzle) or ‘Private’ (only the teacher and students can view)
5 其他操作,例如複製練習 (Duplicate)、移動練習 (Move to folder)或刪除 (Delete) Other actions, such as ‘Duplicate’, 'Move to folder’ and ‘Delete’
3. 發放練習 3. Share the exercise

點按 Assign 可發放練習給學生。 Click ‘Assign’ to share this exercise with students.

依界面指示,設定練習並發放到所需班別。 Follow the instructions on the screen, set up the exercise and release to the required class(es).
1 選擇班別 Select the class(es)
2 新增班別 Add new class
3 設定練習的開始及結束日期 Set the start date and due date of the exercise
4 可在此設定學生能否在觀看影片時跳過問題 You can set here whether or not to allow students to skip the questions while watching the video
5 如已選由 Google Classroom 匯入的班別,可將練習發放至Google Classroom If you have selected a class that is imported from Google Classroom, you can post this exercise on Google Classroom
6 完成設定後可點按 Assign Click on the ‘Assign’ button if you have finished the setting

發放練習後,教師可從以下界面設定或查閱練習及其他相關資訊: After shared the exercise, teacher can set and check the exercise and other related information from the following screen:
1 選擇練習發放模式:Live mode 或 Share assignment Select a mode to share: ‘Live mode’ or ‘Share assignment’
2 查閱成績報告 Check the performance report
3 點按可重設學生進度或下載成績報告 Click here can reset the student progress or download the grades

如重新載入 Edpuzzle 頁面,可點按左上方的 按鈕,選擇班別,再選擇練習,便可重開上述頁面來查閱成績報告。 If you have reloaded the Edpuzzle web page, you can click on the button from the top left corner, then select a class and an exercise to open the aforementioned page to check the performance report.
4. 新增及修改班別 4. Add new or edit class

如要新增班別,可點按左上方的 ☰ 按鈕,再在 MY CLASSES 點按 +。 If you want to add a new class, click on the ☰ button from the top left corner, then click ‘+’ near MY CLASSES.

點按 + 後,可點按 Create new class 來新增班別或在下方選擇由其他平台匯入班別資料。 After clicking ‘+’, you can click on the ‘Create new class’ button to add a new class. You can also select a platform from the bottom part to import the class data.

新增班別後,可點按 Invite students 來獲取班別編碼,教師亦可複製加入班別的連結,或將連結電郵給學生。 After adding a new class, you can click on the ‘Invite students’ button to get the class code. You can also copy and share the link, or share via email, for students to join the class.

學生登入 Edpuzzle 後,可點按左上方的 ☰ 按鈕,再在 MY CLASSES 點按 +。輸入教師提供的班別編碼便可加入班別。 After the students have logged in Edpuzzle, they can click on the ☰ button from the top left corner, click ‘+’ near MY CLASSES, then enter the class code provided by their teachers to join the class.
5. 學生如何完成練習 5. How students can complete an exercise

學生可直接開啟教師提供的 Assignment link 來開啟練習(請參閱3.3),觀看影片並回答問題。 Students can open the exercise directly from the 'Assignment link’ provided by their teacher (please refer to 3.3) to view the video and answer the questions.

學生也可在登入 Edpuzzle 後,點按左上方的 ☰ 按鈕,再在 MY CLASSES 下方選擇班別,便可開啟教師發放的練習。 After logging in Edpuzzle, students can also click on the ☰ button from the top left corner, click ‘+’ near MY CLASSES, then select and open the exercise shared by their teacher.
1. 複製 Padlet 檔案 1. Copy Padlet file

開啟雅集製作的 Padlet 腦圖,不用登入 Padlet 也可即時瀏覽。

Open the Padlet mindmap made by Aristo. Login is not required to view the mindmap on Padlet.


如要複製 Padlet 檔案,教師需登入自己的 Padlet 帳戶。可點按右上方的 ⋯ 按鈕,點按「註冊(Sign up)」登記或「登入(Log in)」登入。教師可使用 Google 帳戶登記及登入。

To copy the Padlet file, teachers will need to log in Padlet with their own accounts. Tap the ⋯ button from the top right corner, then select Sign up to register a new account or Log in with an existing account. Teachers can sign up and log in with their Google accounts too.


點按右上方的「複製(REMAKE)」按鈕可複製檔案。在複製(REMAKE)設定頁面,點選「複製設計(Copy design)」及「複製貼文(Copy posts)」可將腦圖內容複製到教師帳戶。

Tap the REMAKE button from the top right corner to copy the Padlet file. Under the Remake setup page, select Copy design and Copy posts to copy the contents of the mindmap to the teachers’ own accounts.



If the ‘Remake’ is successful, teachers can see their account names at the top left of the mindmap.

2. 編輯及發放 Padlet 檔案給學生 2. Edit and share Padlet file with students

複製檔案後,教師可點按帖子並編輯腦圖內容。點按右下方的 + 按鈕來新增貼文。

After copying the Padlet file, teachers can tap on the posts to edit the mindmap. Tap the + button from the bottom right corner to add new post.


點按右上方的「共用(SHARE)」可開啟發放設定,建議先點按「更改隱私(CHANGE PRIVACY)」設定開啟權限。

Tap the SHARE button from the top right corner to open the sharing setup page. Teachers can tap CHANGE PRIVACY to set the access right of the mindmap.


先設定開啟權限,建議選擇「秘密(Secret)」,再點按「遊客許可(Visitor permissions)」設定編輯權限。

Set the required privacy setting (‘Secret’ is suggested), then select the access right from Visitor permissions.



Teachers can select the appropriate access right of their students according to the learning needs.


點按右上方的「儲存(SAVE)」儲存權限設定並返回,在共用(SHARE)頁面可複製腦圖連結或以 QR 碼方式分享腦圖,方便學生立即瀏覽。

Tap the SAVE button from the top right corner to save the access right settings and return. Under the sharing setup page, teachers can copy the link or get the QR code of the mindmap, so that students can open the page and view together.

3. 封存或刪除 Padlet 檔案 3. Archive or delete a Padlet file

免費的 Padlet 帳戶只可同時儲存個 Padlet 檔案。如帳戶已存有三個檔案,將不能複製新的腦圖。教師可先登入 Padlet,在左方選單上點按自己的帳戶名稱,再按「All」,然後在不需要的檔案右下方點按 ,選擇「存檔(Archive)」或「刪除 padlet(Delete padlet)」後才可複製新的腦圖。

The free Padlet account can only store three Padlet files at a time. If there are already three files stored, teachers will be unable to copy any new files. Teachers can log in to Padlet, tap on the account name from the left menu, then tap All. Find the unnecessary file and tap the button from the bottom right to select Archive or Delete padlet. After that, teachers will be able to copy a new Padlet file.


如要重開已封存的檔案,可先登入 Padlet,在左方選單上點按自己的帳戶名稱,再按「存檔(Archived)」,然後在適用的檔案右下方點按 ,選擇「取消存檔(Unarchive)」便可再編輯或發放檔案。

To unarchive a file, log in to Padlet, tap on the account name from the left menu, then tap Archived. Find the required file and tap the button from the bottom right to select Unarchive. After that, teachers can edit and share this file again.

1. 在桌上或筆記型電腦上開啟討論答案工具 1. Open Answer-checking Tool on a desktop or laptop computer

使用Adobe Acrobat Reader開啟

Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader


下載Adobe Acrobat Reader

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

建議使用Adobe Acrobat Reader開啟課本答案檢查PDF,可於Adobe官方網頁免費下載。 It is suggested to use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the Answer-checking Tool, which can be downloaded for free from the official Adobe website.


Download and open Answer-checking Tool

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面點擊 可下載課本答案檢查PDF。 After signing in with an Aristo account, click the button to download the Answer-checking Tool from our resources page.
解壓縮後,可使用Adobe Acrobat Reader開啟這PDF檔。 After unzipping the file, the PDF can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Add comments on Answer-checking Tool

在Adobe Acrobat Reader開啟文件後,可點擊「工具 (Tools)」>「注釋 (Comment)」來打開「注釋」工具列,並使用各項注釋工具在書頁加上注釋。 After opening the PDF file on Adobe Acrobat Reader, click ‘Tools’ > ‘Comment’ to show the Comment toolbar. Then you can use the various tools to add comments on the pages.


Open with a browser

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面點擊 可使用瀏覽器直接開啟課本答案檢查PDF。建議使用 Google Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge 開啟。

After signing in with an Aristo account, click the button on our resources page to view the Answer-checking Tool with the browser directly. It is suggested to use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to open.


Open the Answer-checking Tool with a browser:

Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge
(Can use drawing tools)
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
2. 在流動裝置上使用課本答案檢查PDF 2. Open Answer-checking Tool on a mobile device


Since there are only a few mobile apps that can support viewing the PDF files with interactive functions, the following apps are suggested if you want to open the Answer-checking Tool on a mobile device (tablet / smartphone).


Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive


下載Microsoft OneDrive

Download Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive是Microsoft所推出的雲端儲存服務,經OneDrive內置的PDF閱覽器,可使用課本答案檢查PDF內的答案顯示功能。

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud storage service provided by Microsoft. With the PDF viewer available in OneDrive, you can use the answer-showing function in the Answer-checking Tool.


Download the mobile app of OneDrive:

iOS版 iOS version Android 版 Android version

你必須有一個 Microsoft帳戶才可使用OneDrive,如未有帳戶,可按此登記。

You must have a Microsoft account to use OneDrive. If you haven’t got an account yet, you can click here to register.

上載課本答案檢查PDF至Microsoft OneDrive

Upload Answer-checking Tool to Microsoft OneDrive

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面點擊可使用瀏覽器直接開啟課本答案檢查PDF。 After signing in with an Aristo account, click the button on our resources page to view the Answer-checking Tool with the browser directly.
在瀏覽器開啟PDF檔後,依下圖點按右上方的圖案,然後選擇OneDrive。(這示範使用Safari) After opening the PDF file with a browser, tap the button from the upper right corner as shown in the following picture, then select ‘OneDrive’. (This sample is made by using Safari)
點按「上傳到OneDrive」來上傳這PDF檔至你的OneDrive。 Tap ‘Upload to OneDrive’ to upload the PDF file to your OneDrive.
你也可使用桌上或筆記型電腦上傳PDF檔至OneDrive,然後使用流動裝置來開啟這檔案。 You can also upload the PDF file to OneDrive with a desktop or laptop computer, then open it with the mobile device.


Add notes on Answer-checking Tool

使用Microsoft OneDrive流動應用程式來開啟課本答案檢查PDF。 Open the Answer-checking Tool with Microsoft OneDrive mobile app.
點按書頁上的按鈕可顯示或隱藏答案或教學資料。 Click on the buttons on the book pages to show/hide the answers or teaching notes.
然而 OneDrive 內的PDF閱覽器未能支援跳頁及連結至外部資源的按鈕(如PDF內有提供)。 (However, the PDF viewer provided in OneDrive does not support the jumping-page buttons and the links to open external resources, if available in the PDF.)
可在工具列選用繪畫及筆記功能。 You can select the drawing and note-taking functions from the toolbar.

PDF Expert

PDF Expert


下載PDF Expert

Download PDF Expert

PDF Expert是一個PDF閱讀及編輯程式,提供免費及收費版。使用免費版一般已可使用課本答案檢查PDF內的答案顯示功能。(PDF Expert只提供iOS版本的流動應用程式。)

PDF Expert is a PDF viewing and editing app that provides a free and paid version. In general, the free version can be used to open the Answer-checking Tool with the answer-showing function. (PDF Expert only provides the mobile app for iOS.)

下載PDF Expert流動應用程式:

Download the mobile app of PDF Expert:


在PDF Expert載入PDF檔

Import Answer-checking Tool into PDF Expert

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面點擊可使用瀏覽器直接開啟課本答案檢查PDF。 After signing in with an Aristo account, click the button on our resources page to view the Answer-checking Tool with the browser directly.
在瀏覽器開啟PDF檔後,依下圖點按右上方的圖案,然後選擇「PDF Expert」來將PDF檔載入PDF Expert。(這示範使用Safari) After opening the PDF file with a browser, tap the button from the upper right corner as shown in the following picture, then select ‘PDF Expert’ to import the PDF file into PDF Expert. (This sample is made by using Safari)
教師亦可將PDF Expert帳戶連接至Google Drive、OneDrive、Dropbox等雲端儲存空間。上傳PDF檔至雲端後,可在流動裝置上使用PDF Expert程式開啟。 You can also connect the PDF Expert account to a cloud storage service, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. After uploading the PDF file to your cloud storage, you can use the PDF Expert app to open it on a mobile device.


Add notes on Answer-checking Tool

使用PDF Expert流動應用程式開啟PDF檔。 Open the PDF file with the PDF Expert mobile app.
點按書頁上的按鈕可顯示或隱藏答案或教學資料。 Click the buttons on the pages to show/hide the answers or teaching notes.
PDF Expert 能支援跳頁及連結至外部資源的按鈕(如PDF內有提供)。 PDF Expert also supports the jumping-page buttons and the links to open external resources, if available in the PDF.
可在工具列選用繪畫及筆記功能。 You can select the drawing and note-taking functions from the toolbar.





Download Dropbox


Dropbox is a cloud storage service. With the PDF viewer available in Dropbox, you can use the answer-showing function in the Answer-checking Tool.


Download the mobile app of Dropbox:

iOS版 iOS version Android 版 Android version


You must have a Dropbox account to use Dropbox. If you haven’t got an account yet, you can click here to register.


Upload Answer-checking Tool to Dropbox

登入雅集帳戶後,在雅集資源頁面點擊可使用瀏覽器直接開啟課本答案檢查PDF。 After signing in with an Aristo account, click the button on our resources page to view the Answer-checking Tool with the browser directly.
在瀏覽器開啟PDF檔後,依下圖點按右上方的圖案,然後選擇「儲存至檔案」,下載到你的裝置中。(這示範使用Safari) After opening the PDF on a browser, click on the top-right icon as shown in the following picture, then select 'Save to Files' to download this file into your device. (This sample is made by using Safari)
開啟剛才下載的PDF檔,點按右上方的圖案,然後選擇「Dropbox」。 Open the PDF file just downloaded. Click on the top-right icon, then select 'Dropbox'.
選擇要存放檔案的 Dropbox 資料夾,點按「儲存」來上傳這PDF檔至你的Dropbox。 Select a folder in Dropbox to save the file, click 'Save' to upload this PDF file to your Dropbox.
你也可使用桌上或筆記型電腦上傳PDF檔至Dropbox,然後使用流動裝置來開啟這檔案。 You can also upload the PDF file to Dropbox with a desktop or laptop computer, then open it with the mobile device.


Add notes on Answer-checking Tool

使用Dropbox流動應用程式來開啟課本答案檢查PDF。 Open the Answer-checking Tool with Dropbox mobile app.
點按書頁上的按鈕可顯示或隱藏答案或教學資料。 Click on the buttons on the book pages to show/hide the answers or teaching notes.
Dropbox 內的PDF閱覽器能支援跳頁及連結至外部資源的按鈕(如PDF內有提供)。 The PDF viewer provided in Dropbox also supports the jumping-page buttons and the links to open external resources, if available in the PDF.
可使用「留言 (Comments)」功能來加上筆記。 You can use the 'Comments' function to add notes.
3. 常見問題 3. Frequently asked questions


Why can't I open the Answer-checking Tool and some other PDF files from Aristo on my mobile device?



To open the PDF file with interactive functions, such as the Answer-checking Tool, on a mobile device, it is suggested to use the apps as introduced in this User Guide (please refer to Step 2).

Besides, since some apps do not support the security settings in the PDF, these apps may not be able to open some other PDF files from Aristo too. In this case, it is suggested to open the files with another PDF viewing app.

1. 界面簡介 1. Layout introduction

1 按此直接在瀏覽器上觀看模型。 Click here to view the model from web browser directly.
2 按此下載立體打印模型及鐳射切割模型(如有提供)。 Click here to download the model (if available).
3 按此進入 AR 模式。 Click here to enter AR mode.
註: Note: 這功能只適用於平板電腦及智能電話。 This function is only supported on tablets and smartphones.
iPhone 或 iPad: iPhone or iPad:
  • 裝置已安裝 iOS 12 或以上;及
  • 使用 Safari 瀏覽器。
  • the devices installed with iOS 12 or above; and
  • viewing with Safari web browser.
Android: Android:
  • 裝置已安裝最新版本的「Google Play 服務 - AR 適用」;
  • 按此查閱「如何透過 Google Play 服務 (AR) 體驗 AR」;
  • 如裝置能成功載入模型,點按「在您的空間中查看」以切換至 AR 觀看模式。
  • the devices installed with the latest version of ‘Google Play Services for AR’;
  • click here to know more about ‘Experience AR with Google Play Services for AR’;
  • after loading the model, click ‘View in your space’ to switch to AR viewing mode.
2. 使用 AR 模式 2. Using AR mode

以下是使用 iPad 觀看 AR 模式的示範:

The following demonstration of AR mode is made by using iPad:

(1) 按此進入 AR 模式。

(1) Click here to enter AR mode.

(2) 點按「擴增實境」以切換至 AR 觀看模式。

(2) Click ‘AR’ to switch to AR viewing mode.

(3) 依屏幕所示,左右移動 iPhone 或 iPad 以讓裝置檢測到水平表面。

(3) Follow the instruction on the screen, move the iPhone or iPad to left or right to let it detect a horizontal surface.

(4) 可在桌面或地面上放上一張白紙,讓裝置更易檢測到水平表面。

(4) You may put a white paper on the table or floor, to make it easier for the device to detect the horizontal surface.



(5) 如成功顯示該模型,可使用以上手勢放大或轉動。

(5) After the model is loaded, you can zoom or rotate it with above gestures.

(6) 如未能成功載入模型(例如出現以上畫面),請重新載入頁面再嘗試。

(6) If the model cannot be loaded (such as showing the above screen), please refresh the web page and try again.

3. 下載立體打印模型 3. Downloading models for 3D printer

1 按此下載可供立體打印機使用的檔案。檔案或以 ZIP 形式儲存,僅支援桌面或手提電腦。 Click here to download the model(s) for 3D printer. The file(s) may be saved in ZIP format, that can be viewed with desktop or laptop computers only.
2 學校可參考有關模型的建議參考設定。 School may refer to the suggested printing settings of the model(s).
4. 下載鐳射切割模型及製作相關檔案 4. Downloading laser cutting models and making related files

1 按此下載鐳射切割的檔案。檔案或以 ZIP 形式儲存,僅支援桌面或手提電腦。 Click here to download the model(s) for laser cutting. The file(s) may be saved in ZIP format, that can be viewed with desktop or laptop computers only.
2 學校可參考有關模型的建議設定。 School may refer to the suggested settings of the model(s).
1. 使用 Google 街景瀏覽 VR 旅程 1. View VR tour on Google Street View


Enter the VR page from our website as follows:



Click on the ‘’, ‘’ or the number button from the bottom left menu to switch to other scenes of the street view.



Click on the ‘’ button next to the title of the street view to show its information and markers.



Click on the marker from the bottom left menu or on the street view to check the information of this marker.



Click on the thumbnail (if available) to show the supplementary information.