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NOS resources

Introduction: What is the nature of science?
1 Debunking the theory of spontaneous generation (Chapter 1)
2 Two models for enzyme actions (Chapter 5)
3 Discovering the nature of digestion (Chapter 7)
4 Solving the mystery of blood circulation (Chapter 9)
5 Transport of water in plants—a physical or biological process? (Chapter 11)
6 Discovering the role of chromosomes in heredity (Chapter 12)
7 The study of neurones and their connections (Chapter 17)
8 Historical experiments on photosynthesis (Chapter 21)
9 Investigating glycolysis (Chapter 22)
10 The discovery of viruses (Chapters 23 and 38)
11 The development of vaccines (Chapter 25)
12 The discovery of phagocytes (Chapter 25)
13 The development of the knowledge of heredity (Chapter 26)
14 Cracking the genetic code (Chapter 27)
15 One gene, one protein (Chapter 27)
16 The origins of eukaryotic cells (endosymbiotic theory) (Chapter 29)
17 The development of the theory of evolution (Chapter 31)
18 The making of a gene editing tool: the CRISPR/Cas9 system (Chapter 28)
19 The fight against a novel coronavirus outbreak (Chapter 25)