生活中的檢測:使用Google科學日誌與ChemEye(學生版)Detection in daily life: Using Google Science Journal and ChemEye (Student's version)





Google Science Journal is an app that transforms a mobile device into a ‘pocket sensor’, which enables us to do more scientific measurements in daily life.

ChemEye is a mobile app that can determine the concentration of a solution by simply detecting its colour.

In this project, we are going to use these apps to do scientific detection anytime and anywhere!

家居噪音Noise in your home
令人不適的家居噪音Domestic noise making you sick



根據世界衞生組織(WHO)的報告顯示,大約40%的歐洲人口曝露在噪音水平超過55 dB 的家中,大約相等於一個嘈吵辦公室的噪音水平。隨着開放式客廳設計愈趨受歡迎,這個問題亦愈趨嚴重。

We all know that loud sounds can be harmful to our hearing, but what about ‘minor noise’?

The noise produced by electrical appliances in our home may not be irritating, but over a long period of time they can also make a negative impact on us.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 40% of Europe’s population is exposed to noise levels over 55 dB at home, which is about the same level of a noisy office. This problem is made worse by the fact that more people are now having an open-plan living room (開放式客廳) in their home.

長時間曝露在家居噪音下足以對人體構成損害,WHO 指出這程度的噪音會影響我們的睡眠質素、令血壓上升、甚至增加患上心臟病的機會。


While short exposure to domestic noise is not very harmful, they can cause damage over time. WHO says this amount of noise is enough to disturb sleep, raise blood pressure and even increase the chances of heart disease.

While we cannot remove all noise, there are methods that we can do to manage our exposure. For example, a house with wooden floors will seem louder than a room with a carpeted floor because the sound bounces off the wood but is absorbed to some degree by the carpet.



What is the unit of noise?



Why is the noise level higher in an open-plan living room?



Search the Internet and suggest TWO more methods that can reduce the noise levels at home.

使用Google 科學日誌檢測噪音Using Google Science Journal to detect noise
難度﹕Difficulty: ★ ★
時間﹕Time: 1 節課1 lesson
在日常生活中如何應用Google 科學日誌?How can we use Google Science Journal in daily life? https://e-aristo.hk/r/isgsjvideo1.c https://e-aristo.hk/r/isgsjvideo1.e

1. 先下載應用程式。

iOS 版本
Android 版本

1. Download the app first.

iOS version
Android version
* 請注意「Google versions of Science Journal」應用程式已被Arduino Science Journal應用程式取代。 * Please note that the ‘Google versions of Science Journal’ app has been replaced by Arduino Science Journal app.

2. 開啟應用程式,並選擇音量感應器。

2. Open the app and choose the sound level sensor.

3. 檢測家中不同電器的噪音水平。

3. Detect the noise of different electrical appliances:

4. 把結果記錄下來。

4. Record the results.

電器Electrical appliance 噪音水平Noise
冷氣機Air conditioner
洗衣機Washing machine

氣壓如何影響天氣?How does air pressure affect weather?
氣壓與天氣的關係The relationship between air pressure and weather



Air pressure is an indicator of weather. When a low-pressure system moves into an area, it usually leads to cloudiness, wind and raining. On the other hand, a high-pressure system usually leads to fair and calm weather.

We know that air will flow from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. In a low-pressure system, air will flow in from the high-pressure areas. The air will then rise and the water droplets in air will become clouds or rain. While in high-pressure system, air will flow out to the low-pressure areas. The air will sink and make the temperature higher, which facilitates the evaporation of water in air.

觀看一段由香港天文台製作的動畫以了解更多: Watch an animation made by Hong Kong Observatory to learn more: https://e-aristo.hk/r/ispressurevideo1.c https://e-aristo.hk/r/ispressurevideo1.e


What is the unit of air pressure?



Search the Internet and suggest how to make a simple instrument by yourself to measure air pressure. Draw your design in the box below.

使用Google 科學日誌檢測氣壓Using Google Science Journal to detect air pressure
難度﹕Difficulty: ★ ★
時間﹕Time: 1 節課1 lesson

1. 先開啟應用程式。

1. Open the app first.

* 請注意「Google versions of Science Journal」應用程式已被Arduino Science Journal應用程式取代。 * Please note that the ‘Google versions of Science Journal’ app has been replaced by Arduino Science Journal app.

2. 把你的平板電腦或智能電話放進一個盒內,以防弄濕。

2. Put your tablet / mobile phone into a box to avoid getting wet.

3. 選擇應用程式的氣壓感應器,持續量度一段時間。記着不要把盒蓋蓋緊。

3. Choose the air pressure sensor and measure for a period for time. Remember DO NOT cover the box tightly.

4. 找出不同的天氣情況和氣壓之間的關係。

4. Find the relationship between air pressure and weather conditions.

食用色素Food colouring
食用色素是甚麼?What is food colouring?


Food colouring can improve the colour of foods and make them look more attractive. For example, they are added to frozen green peas to make them look fresher. They are added to candies, jellies and barbecued pork to make them look more attractive. Some colourings are obtained from natural sources such as plant juice. They are usually harmless. However, some colourings are synthetic dyes which may cause allergic reactions in some people.

天然食用色素Natural food colouring


Natural food colouring is any dye or pigment obtained from natural sources like vegetables, animals and minerals etc. It can add colours to foods or drugs. Grass, beetroot, and turmeric (薑黃) are some common natural sources of food colouring.

人造食用色素Synthetic food colouring

人造食用色素又稱為合成食用色素。它們生產自一連串的化學反應,普遍用在食物和藥物工業。一些常見的人造食用色素包括檸檬黄(Tartrazine)、日落黃(sunset yellow)、亮藍(brilliant blue)和靛藍胭脂紅(indigo carmine)等。

Synthetic food colouring is also called artificial colour. It is manufactured by chemical reactions and is commonly used in food and pharmaceutical industries. Some common synthetic food colourings are tartrazine (檸檬黃), sunset yellow, amaranth (莧菜紅), brilliant blue and indigo carmine (靛藍).



From the nutrition labels of different foods or drinks, write down some common food colourings added to these foods.



Search the Internet and write down TWO possible side effects of taking in too much artificial colours.



Besides food colourings, suggest some more food additives that are commonly added to processed foods.

使用ChemEye 檢測食用色素的濃度Using ChemEye to detect the concentration of food colouring
難度﹕Difficulty: ★ ★ ★
時間﹕Time: 2 節課2 lessons

1. 先下載應用程式。

iOS 版本
Android 版本

1. Download the app first.

iOS version
Android version

2. 用橙色食用色素預備一些標準溶液。

2. Prepare some standard solutions from orange food dye.

3. 開啟ChemEye,選擇適當的濃度單位,並獲取各標準溶液的顏色。

3. Open ChemEye, choose the suitable unit of concentration and get the colours of different standard solutions.

4. 選擇最適合的校準曲線以作比較。

4. Choose the most suitable calibration curve (校準曲線) for comparison.

5. 找一些加有橙色食用色素的飲品。

5. Get some drinks with orange food colouring added.

6. 用ChemEye 檢測這些飲品中食用色素的濃度。

6. Detect the concentration of food colouring in these drinks using ChemEye.

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開始STEM活動前,請點擊以下連結,下載Arduino Science Journal應用程式 (過往為「The Google versions of Science Journal」應用程式)。

Click the link below to download Arduino Science Journal app (formerly ‘Google versions of Science Journal’ app) before you start the STEM project.

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