重用舊物件(學生版)Reusing used products (Student's version)

STEM連繫 13.1STEM connection 13.1重用舊物件Reusing used products
下載:Download: 學生版 Student's version
學習技能:Learning skill: DIYDIY
難度﹕Difficulty: ★ ★
時間﹕Time: 2節課2 lessons

自製「塑膠瓶車」Making a ‘plastic bottle car’
在單元11,我們製作了「氣球車」。現在,讓我們重用一些塑膠瓶, 製作一輛「塑膠瓶車」吧! In Unit 11, we have made a ‘balloon car’. Now, we are going to reuse some plastic bottles to make a ‘plastic bottle car’!

Watch the sample video:

1. 在使用過的塑膠瓶上剪出一個長方形。

1. Cut out a rectangle from a used plastic bottle.

2. 用錐在塑膠瓶的兩邊鑽四個小孔,以及在瓶的底部鑽一個小孔。

2. Use an awl to make four holes on both sides and one hole at the base of the bottle.

3. 分別在塑膠瓶的兩邊插入兩支竹籤,並把四個瓶蓋與竹籤連接。

3. Insert two wooden sticks into the holes on both sides and attach four bottle caps to them.

4. 把另一個塑膠瓶剪成「風扇」狀。然後把竹籤穿過其瓶蓋。

4. Cut out another plastic bottle into a ‘fan’ shape. Insert another wooden stick to its cap.

5. 把「風扇」插入第一個膠瓶底部的小孔。

5. Insert the ‘fan’ into the hole at the base of the first bottle.

6. 在連接「風扇」的竹籤綁上兩條橡皮圈。

6. Tie two rubber bands to the wooden stick attached to the ‘fan’.

7. 利用第一個膠瓶的瓶蓋,把橡皮圈固定。

7. Fix the rubber bands with the bottle cap of the first bottle.

8. 現在,你已製成了一輛「塑膠瓶車」!

8. Now, you have made a ‘plastic bottle car’!

「塑膠瓶車」比賽‘Plastic bottle car’ race

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What is the 3Rs principle of conservation?
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