設計和製作用電裝置(學生工作紙)Designing and making electrical devices (Student's Worksheets)

STEM連繫 8.2STEM connection 8.2設計和製作用電裝置Designing and making electrical devices
學習技能:Learning skill: littleBitslittleBits
學習範圍:Learning areas: 0
  • 認識電路
  • 使用不同的電路元件
  • Electric circuit
  • Use of different electronic components
  • 使用最新的電子積木「littleBits」
  • Use the latest electronic building blocks - littleBits
  • 設計和製作具創意的電子設備
  • Design and make some DIY electrical devices
  • 量度電壓、電流和電阻
  • Measure voltage, current and resistance



Design and make some creative electrical devices using the latest electronic building blocks ‘littleBits’.



littleBits makes electronic building blocks which are easy to use. The electronic building blocks are colour-coded, magnetic and reusable. Each bit has its own specific function and can act as LEDs, buzzers, sensors, or buttons. Each of them can snap together with magnets without soldering or wiring. Using these blocks can make more than thousands of combinations of circuits.

在這個活動中,我們會使用「Rule your room kit」 中的電子積木來製造簡單的電子設備。

In this project, we will use the “Rule your room kit” to create simple electrical devices.

第一部分使用「Rule your room kit」Part A—Use the ‘Rule your room kit’

在互聯網搜尋「Rule your room kit」中各配件的使用方法。你亦可以仔細閱讀「Rule your room kit」中的發明小冊子,看看可以發明甚麼有趣的裝置。

You can search the Internet to learn how to use different components in the ‘Rule your room kit’. You can also study the invention guide of the kit to see which kinds of inventions you can make by using the kit.

第二部分設計和製作「對答案裝置」Part B—Design and make an ’Answer checking system’
An ‘Answer checking system’ can give a sound when you choose the correct answer of a T/F or MC question. Study the ‘Answer checking system’ made by littleBits below. Think about how it works.

當你選擇正確答案時… 會發出聲音!

When you choose the correct answer… a sound is given out!

你現在可以和組員討論並製作屬於自己的「對答案裝置」。 完成後, 你可以利用裝置和同學們進行一個「問答比賽」You can now discuss with your group members and design and make your own ‘Answer checking system’. After you have finished the system, you can play a ‘Q&A competition’ with your classmates using the system!
第三部分試想想Think about
Explain the working principle of the ‘Answer checking system’.
Give one more invention you want to create by using ‘littleBits’. Briefly describe how you will make it with the aid of a diagram.
Submit Student’s Worksheets to teachers after the lesson.
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